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Student Loan Service Center

Payment Information


Borrowers are encouraged to enroll in recurring ACH payments.  These are automatic withdrawals taken each month on a specified date from the borrower's specified bank account.  By enrolling in direct payments you reduce the likelihood that you will miss a payment.  To enroll please complete the ACH Authorization through your ECSI Borrower Portal or you can call Educational Computer Systems, Inc.'s Loan Servicing number at 1-888-549-3274.

Recurring ACH Payment   Posts by the selected date   $0.00  
eCheck   Posts Within 24 hours   $1.95  
Online Debit or Credit Card   Posts Within 24 hours   3.95% plus $1    
Debit or Credit Card by Phone
Posts Within 24 hours   3.95% plus $10       
eCheck by Phone
Posts Within 24 hours   $11.95
Mail Check or Money Order
-Include Student ID Number       
48 to 72 hours from date received        $0.00

* DO NOT SEND CASH in the mail

  • Payments are due by the first day of each month.  If your payment is not received by the 10th of the month your account will be assessed a late charge.
  • Payments returned due to incorrect or closed account status or due to non-sufficient funds will result in the reversal of the payment from the account as well as the assessment of a $15 NSF fee charged to the account.
  • Billing statements are mailed from ECSI or you can request online statements through the ECSI Borrower Portal.  If an account becomes 9 months or more past due billing notices will only be available online through the ECSI borrower portal.  
  • Please return the remittance slip with mailed payments to ensure that the credit is applied to the correct account. 
    • If you lose your statement you may send your payment directly to: 
      • North Dakota University System A5
      • C/O ECSI
      • P.O.Box 1287
      • Moon Township, PA 15108
    • You will need to provide your full name and either your Heartland Key, Student ID Number or the last 4 digits of your social security number. 
  • Please contact ECSI at 1-888-549-3274 if your financial situation will result in a late or missed payment.  In many cases we can work with borrowers to avoid loan Default.

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